vendredi, 10 décembre 2021, 09:15
- 15:15
Changement ! Evénement en ligne !

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09.15 Welcome note & setting the stage – UNDROP in a nutshell

09.30 Presentation of key findings of the study: Switzerland’s foreign policy and the United Nations declaration on the rights of peasants

Caroline Dommen, Independent Researcher, Sustainable Development Law, Policy and Practice; Christophe Golay, Geneva Academy

09.50 Q&A Session 1

10.00 Coffee Break

10.10 Key messages:

Michael Fakhri, Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

Elizabeth Mpofu, La Via Campesina

Tatiana Oliveira, Inesc, Brazil

Vanessa Renfer, Uniterre

10.35 Panel discussion: How can we put the recommendations into practice?

Carlo Sommaruga, State Councillor

Benjamin Müller, Deputy Head of the Human Rights Diplomacy Section (FDFA)

Markus Schlagenhof, Ambassador, Head of the World Trade Division (FDFA) (tbc)

Alwin Kopse, Head International Affairs and Food Security BLW

Christine Schneeberger, Deputy Head Global Cooperation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Moderation: Ana Maria Suarez Franco, Accountability Coordinator FIAN International

11.35 Q&A Session 2

11.55 Teaser for the afternoon programme

12.00 Lunch break

13.00 Introduction to the working groups

13.10 Working groups “UNDROP implementation in different fields of engagement” including an individual break

1. Food systems

2. Trade agreements

3. Mainstreaming UNDROP into UN-System

14.40 Presentation of the recommendations of the working groups

15.00 Plenary discussion: Conclusions and way forward

15.25 Closing

15.30 Farewell & Informal Exchange